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Cross Number Discovery Puzzles Book 3



檔案大小:29.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Cross Number Discovery Puzzles Book 3(圖1)-速報App

Learning math is a lot like doing a jig-saw puzzle. Every well placed jig-saw piece helps you place the next piece, and every well learned math concept helps you learn the next concept. The Cross-Number Discovery Puzzles and games series helps you put the math pieces into place. It begins with the earliest number concepts and follows a developmental framework to grow math understanding one concept at a time. And it does this in a fun way through puzzles and games.

Cross Number Discovery Puzzles Book 3(圖2)-速報App

This is a demo of the first five puzzles of Book 3 in the Cross-Number Discovery Puzzles & Games series. The full book consists of 40 puzzles and over 60 corresponding games. The puzzles and games involve early number concepts and are cumulative in nature. This means that the questions in Puzzles 1-5 involve the same outcomes, the questions in Puzzles 6-10 involve the same ones and so on. Each group of five puzzles introduces new pieces of learning while reinforcing the learning introduced in previous puzzles.

Cross Number Discovery Puzzles Book 3(圖3)-速報App

The questions in the puzzles are based on the most recent research on how children learn mathematics. New number concepts, strategies and skills are often introduced by two questions connected by a bracket. one of the questions in a helper question and can involve a model such as a ten-frame or an empty number line.

Cross Number Discovery Puzzles Book 3(圖4)-速報App

Because the puzzles and games introduce number concepts one at a time, it is easy to identify any gaps in mathematics understanding. The puzzles are therefore an excellent diagnostic tool. Overview and assessment sheets that explain the concept each question involves are provided in the resource and offer further support. In this demo, an example of an assessment sheet is provided for Puzzle 1.

Cross Number Discovery Puzzles Book 3(圖5)-速報App

The games in the resource provide further practice with the number concepts, strategies and skills introduced in the puzzles.
